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  • Why Strength?
    At Lift we believe Strength is as important for overall health, as Aerobic Fitness, particularly for women. There is a huge amount of scientific literature on its benefits including physical and mental performance, reduced risk of lifestyle diseases, improved independence and self-esteem. I understand Strength Training may be new to you. Rest assured we start very slowly and work within your capabilities. And remember, if you're participating in Small Group Coaching, you will be within a group of supportive, like minded ladies.
  • What will we do in the Small Group Coaching Sessions?
    Our Small Group Coaching Sessions adhere to a winning formula that includes fun, fitness, support and very importantly, accountability. These sessions offer the benefits of Personal Training (think accountability, guidance, support), without the price tag, plus the added benefit of working out alongside like-minded women. I believe strength is the most important capacity for women so, it is the focus of Small Group Coaching. There is a huge amount of scientific literature on the benefits of resistance training, including improved physical and mental performance, reduced risk of lifestyle diseases, improved independence, and self-esteem. I understand this training may be new to some. Rest assured we start very slowly and work within your capabilities. And remember, if you're participating in Small Group Coaching, you will be within a group of supportive, like-minded ladies. Every session is different so you will never get bored. Depending on the needs and experience of the specific class, we use a range of equipment including barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, bands and bodyweight. A station with your own equipment is set up for you. You don’t have to think, just show up and be shown, informed and reminded what to do!
  • How many do you have in a class?
    To ensure a high level of attention, class numbers are strictly limited to 5 ladies at Body Performance Clinic and 6 at the Home Studio.
  • When do Small Group Coaching Classes run?
    Early morning classes run from the Body Performance Clinic Rehab Gym at 5:30am (Tuesday and Thursday) and 6:15am (Tuesday through Friday). Early morning classes go for 45 minutes. Mid-morning (9am), afternoon (4:25pm) and evening (5:35pm) sessions are delivered daily from the private, home studio in Leamington. Home Studio classes run for 60 minutes. In a ‘typical’ week clients will attend their class on the same day and time. There is of course flexibility within the model to allow for ‘life happening.’
  • Will I be fit enough to participate?
    Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can! At Lift we focus on meeting you where you’re at so all sessions are tailored to your current needs, including any limitations you may have. Progress not perfection is our goal. Everyone walks away from the class with a sense of achievement even though each may have done a different version of the workout. That’s customisation, and that’s the huge benefit of the Small Group Classes.
  • I have a pre-existing condition
    Regardless of your current level of fitness or capability we meet you where you're at! Pre-screening ensure we get to know your background, current needs, and limitations (if any). I then do my best to customise sessions for you. The high level of support outside of sessions also provides great opportunity for feedback and discussion. Wherever necessary, I will work with your Allied Health professionals. Please seek your doctor’s consent if you have any significant existing medical condition or concerns.
  • What is a REPS registered Coach?
    At Lift I sincerely believe I have a responsibility to provide you with evidence based, current information and service. The best way to do this is to ensure I undertake Ongoing Education! Registration with REPs is more than just a verification of an initial qualification (which is a one-off event like sitting a test for a driver’s licence.) REPS Registration is an annual process like a Warrant of Fitness for a car. This means a Registered Exercise Professional's knowledge is up to date, and also bound by a Code of Conduct. ​ More information can be found at

Get Fit - Live Life - Be Strong

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